8.2.8 Import - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.2 Drawing Tools

8.2.80 Import

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

  • a) Import KML

KML ('keyhole markup language') is a version of the XML definition for geographic presentation on browsers. Originally, it was developed for Google Earth, but is now used by many browsers and support by many GIS software.

  • b) Download and Import OSM

Open Street Map (OSM) is a fast growing standard of open-source GIS data. With this Tool you can download OSM files and automatically converted them from lat/long to UTM. This Tool will access the OpenStreetMap online GIS database (through their API) and download all features for the defined area.

Drawing Tools > Import > Import OSM >

Define the area with minimum and maximum x and y [3]. OpenStreetMap limits the area to a maximum of 50 km, but also the number of features (currently, 50,000). If the area defined is too large or there are too many features, a message will tell you to decrease the size.
In the sample below, we are interested in all streets with their streetnames [4]:

'Continue' [5] to run the process, which might take a while for the download.

If you import street names, be aware, this is open-source data - not official. It is the Assembly which has the authority to define street names, not Google or a contributor to OpenStreetMap.

The result is a DRA line file, if selected with streetnames, from OpenStreetMap (very similar to Google data):

An alternative approach, if you already have the OSM file or want to download it directly from the Internet, is the 'Import OSM' option:
www.openstreetmap.com: Export [1] > Define the area of interest by zooming, paning or by lat/long figures in the entry box [2] > Export [3} > Define location and file name on your computer.

If the 'Export' button [3] does not appear or 'File not found', define a smaller area of interest, and repeat.


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