2.18 Fill polygon with 'holes' - LUPMISManual

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2. GIS data entry

2.18 Fill Polygon with ‘Holes’

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Advanced; general Map Maker training

If you have a polygon with ‘holes’, which you can not easily ‘fill’, for example with the Join-tool from the toolbar left, you have to run the following process:

1. With the Polygon-tool from the toolbar left, define a polygon around the ‘hole’, and give it the same display label as the main polygon (in this example: 17)

2. The result should look like this:

3. With the Select-tool from the toolbar left you select the main polygon and the new polygon:

The Selection Manager should show the same display labels (2 column).

In the Selection Manager window: Actions > Polygon manipulation > Join adjacent polygons of the same display label > (If a warning message of overwriting appears: Yes)

5. You might have to run the previous process (step 4) again, to have the result below.

6. The result should like this:

Note: If there are more units with different labels: Selection Manager > Actions > IDs and labels > Amend labels and IDs > Amend labels and IDs window: Set all display labels to: Enter the most appropriate code for the label (here: 68) > OK


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