8.2.6 Cut line - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.2 Drawing Tools

8.2.6 Cut line

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

This   is a most useful tool to create Local Plans with housing schemes. It allows to cut ('split') a line, like a road, in equal-length 'legs', based on either:

  • A given number of ‘legs’ of the same length (number of legs has to be entered), or

  • ‘Legs’ of a defined length (length has to be entered in meters).

Following functions are
available under Drawing Tools > Cut line:

  • a) Cut line

This function only cuts the original line into individual vertex lines, with points placed at the end of each 'leg'.

  • b) 90 deg from Cut Line

In addition to the cutting (tool above), this also places a line at each cutting point, which is perpendicular to the line. This will help to draw the sides of parcels along the line (road). You specify the length of these perpendicular lines and, as option, if you want them on both sides of the line (road) or only on one side.

It is a good practice to have an 'overshoot' of these lines, i.e. if you have a half road width of 6 m (half, because the line might be the center line of the road) plus a parcel of 30 m from the side of the road, don't enter just 37 m, but 45 m to have a good overshoot.

The process to form parcels: Digitize the center line of the road --> Create a buffer (polygon) with the half road width as the buffer distance (e.g. 7 m) --> Buffer around this buffer with a buffer distance of the parcels (e.g. 30 m) --> Use this tool ('90 deg from cut line') with a good overshoot --> Copy the last buffer (parcels) into live layer -->  'Cut with file' using this cut line.

  • c) Parcels from Cut Line

Similar to above, it automatically creates parcels starting from the line. With many curves on the original line, parcels might look slight different in curved areas.


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