LUPMIS - GIS User Manual for Land Use Planning

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2.16 Create 'doughnut'

2. GIS data entry

2.16 Create ‘Doughnut’

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; general Map Maker training

A ‘
doughnut’ - in GIS terms - is a ring-shaped polygon with an empty area inside.

1. Create the whole shape by digitizing the outer boundary of the polygon with the
Polygon-tool from the toolbar left.

2.Create the ‘hole’ (island) by digitizing the inner line with the

You now have two polygons overlapping each other.

3. You extract the inner area from the larger polygon area with the
Join-tool from the toolbar left. Start in the outer polygon (ring) and drag to the inner area.

- - - - -

You apply the same process to any area, which is to be
cut from a polygon: Join-tool, dragging from the remaining polygon to the extracted area.

Home Page | 0. Rationale | 1. GIS handling | 2. GIS data entry | 3. GIS operations | 4. Attribute database | 5. Conversion of data | 6. Presentation | 7. GIS for land use planning | 8. LUPMIS Tools | 9. Databases | Annexes | Site Map

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