Gerhard Bechtold

  Consultant for National (Geo-)Information Systems and Database Setup, for Natural Resources Assessments   

Attachment to CV of Gerhard Bechtold

June 2007 - recent:
GIS Expert
in Accra, Ghana
with COWI

September 2001 - June 2006:
Chief Information Officer
in Asmara, Eritrea (September 01-December 05) and Adigrat, Ethiopia (-May 06)
with UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)

October/November 2000 and March/April 2001:
GIS Consultant
in Sana'a, Yemen
with Agristudio
(Italy) for European Union

September/October 2000:
IT Consultant
in Erbil, Iraq
with UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)

February 2000:
EIS Expert
in Cape Town, South Africa
with GTZ (Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany)

October - November 1998 and April - August 1999:
GIS / Land Evaluation Consultant
in Dhamar, Yemen
with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of UN)

September 1993 - March 1998:
Land Use / Information System Specialist
in Jakarta, Indonesia
with GTZ (Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany)

October 1989 - August 1993:
Resources Data Management Expert / Computer Specialist
in Amman, Jordan
with SSLRC (Soil Survey and Land Research Centre) at Cranfield Institute of Technology, Silsoe, England

August 1984 - September 1989:
Land Resources / Data Management Expert, Land Evaluator
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of UN)

January 1984 - June 1984:
Employee in planning department
in Munich, Germany
with ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club , Germany)

May 1978 - August 1979:
Co-ordinator of soil survey
in Amazon region/Manaus, Brazil
with EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria , Brazil

August - October 1976:
Scientific research employee
in Mexico D.F., Mexico
with University of Munich

Sailauf, Germany

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Last update: Feb 2007